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Product Life Cycle Assessment


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  • Greenhouse Gas calculation
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Cradle to grave

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*Price is based on a product made from less then 100 materials. Prices excl. VAT

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How can my company track the impact of participating in the program?2023-11-28T19:28:44+00:00

Through your Amazon Seller Central account, you can access data and analytics on how your Climate Pledge Friendly products perform. This information allows you to gauge customer interest and the positive impact your products have on the environment.

Are there any additional marketing opportunities for Climate Pledge Friendly companies?2023-11-28T19:28:53+00:00

Yes, Amazon offers marketing support for Climate Pledge Friendly companies, including dedicated pages and promotions that highlight sustainable products. This exposure helps raise awareness about your company’s commitment to sustainability.

How does Amazon ensure the reliability of the Climate Pledge Friendly label?2023-11-28T19:28:58+00:00

Amazon partners with respected external organizations to conduct thorough evaluations of products’ sustainability credentials. This process ensures that the Climate Pledge Friendly label represents genuine and credible eco-friendly choices.

Is the Climate Pledge Friendly program restricted to specific industries or product categories?2023-11-28T19:29:05+00:00

No, the program is open to various industries and product categories. Whether your company specializes in electronics, fashion, home goods, or any other sector, you can apply to have your sustainable products certified as Climate Pledge Friendly.

What benefits does the Climate Pledge Friendly label offer to my company?2023-11-28T19:29:13+00:00

The Climate Pledge Friendly label provides your company’s products with increased visibility and exposure to a growing base of eco-conscious customers. By adding the label to your product pages. The added filter option ‘Climate pledge friendly’, makes you want It demonstrates your commitment to sustainability, helping you build a positive brand reputation.

How can my company get the Climate Pledge Friendly label for our products?2023-11-28T19:29:21+00:00

To get the Climate Pledge Friendly label for your products, your company needs to apply for any of the certification partners that are selected for the Climate pledge friendly program. Once approved, your products will be labeled as Climate Pledge Friendly, making them easily identifiable to conscious consumers on Amazon.

What are the eligibility criteria for products to become Climate Pledge Friendly?2023-11-28T19:29:30+00:00

To qualify, products must meet rigorous sustainability standards set by external certification organizations. These criteria cover various eco-friendly aspects, ensuring that the products have a reduced carbon footprint and support sustainability.

What is the Climate Pledge Friendly program?2023-11-28T19:29:35+00:00

The Climate Pledge Friendly program is an initiative by Amazon that promotes and showcases sustainable products to customers.

Amazon is dedicated to leading the way in sustainability by introducing The Climate Pledge, co-founded with Global Optimism. This pledge commits Amazon to meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early and be net-zero carbon by 2040. Amazon has invested heavily in renewable energy, with plans to power its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025. Additionally, Amazon is focused on achieving zero waste across its global operations.

In conclusion, the Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly program is a beacon of a more sustainable future. It’s a partnership between Amazon, customers, and businesses committed to making a positive impact on the environment. 


What is the role of a GHG footprint in an LCA?2023-11-19T21:55:59+00:00

The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) footprint plays a crucial role in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which is a systematic analysis of the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its entire life cycle. Here’s how the GHG footprint fits into an LCA:

1. **Identification of Emissions Sources:** In the LCA process, the GHG footprint helps identify and quantify the emissions associated with the production, use, and disposal of a product. This includes emissions from raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life processes.

2. **Impact Assessment:** GHG emissions contribute significantly to climate change, and their impact is assessed within the LCA framework. The GHG footprint is a key indicator of the product’s contribution to global warming potential and helps evaluate its environmental impact in the context of climate change.

3. **Decision-Making Support:** Understanding the GHG footprint allows businesses to make informed decisions about how to mitigate environmental impact. By identifying the stages of the life cycle with the highest emissions, companies can prioritize efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and improve overall sustainability.

4. **Benchmarking and Comparison:** The GHG footprint provides a standardized metric for comparing the environmental performance of different products or processes. This allows companies to benchmark their performance against industry standards or competitors and helps consumers make informed choices based on the environmental impact of products.

5. **Policy Compliance:** Many regions have regulations and standards regarding GHG emissions. Assessing the GHG footprint ensures that businesses are compliant with environmental regulations and can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

In summary, the GHG footprint is an integral part of LCA, providing valuable data to assess and improve the environmental performance of products or services. It helps businesses make informed decisions, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy.

What exactly is a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) footprint?2023-11-19T21:55:53+00:00

The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) footprint, also known as the carbon footprint, refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases, measured in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), that are emitted directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product throughout its life cycle. This life cycle typically includes the extraction or cultivation of raw materials, production, transportation, use, and disposal.

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases, trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and, subsequently, climate change. The GHG footprint is a measure of the impact of human activities on the environment in terms of their contribution to global warming and climate change.

Calculating the GHG footprint involves assessing the emissions associated with various activities and processes, and then converting them into CO2e to provide a standardized measure. Common sources of emissions include energy consumption, transportation, industrial processes, and the use of certain materials.

Reducing the GHG footprint is a key goal for individuals, businesses, and governments aiming to mitigate climate change. It involves implementing strategies to decrease emissions, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

Measuring and understanding the GHG footprint is an essential step in developing effective strategies to address climate change and move toward a more sustainable and low-carbon future. Many organizations and businesses conduct GHG assessments as part of their sustainability initiatives to identify opportunities for improvement and demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility.

What exactly is an Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?2023-11-19T21:56:11+00:00

LCA stands for Life Cycle Assessment. It is a systematic and comprehensive method for evaluating the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service throughout its entire life cycle – from raw material extraction to production, use, and disposal.

The purpose of an LCA is to quantify the environmental burdens associated with a particular product or process and to identify opportunities for improvement. It takes into account various factors such as resource consumption, energy use, emissions to air, water, and soil, as well as other environmental impacts. The assessment is typically broken down into different stages:

1. **Goal and Scope Definition:** Clearly defining the objectives and boundaries of the assessment, specifying the system boundaries, and determining which environmental impact categories will be considered.

2. **Life Cycle Inventory (LCI):** Collecting data on all inputs and outputs at each stage of the life cycle, including raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, use, and end-of-life processes.

3. **Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA):** Evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the identified inputs and outputs, often using impact categories such as global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, and others.

4. **Interpretation:** Interpreting the results to draw conclusions and provide recommendations for improvement. This may include sensitivity analysis and consideration of uncertainties.

Life Cycle Assessment is a valuable tool for businesses, policymakers, and consumers to make informed decisions that consider the environmental implications of their choices. It can help identify areas of high environmental impact, guide eco-design efforts, and inform sustainable decision-making. LCA has become increasingly important in the context of sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Why is it important to decrease the GHG footprint?2023-11-19T21:55:46+00:00

Reducing the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) footprint is crucial for several reasons:

1. **Mitigating Climate Change:** Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane, trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. By reducing GHG emissions, we can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems.

2. **Protecting the Environment:** High levels of GHGs not only contribute to climate change but also have direct negative effects on the environment. For example, increased CO2 levels can lead to ocean acidification, threatening marine life. Reducing GHG emissions helps preserve biodiversity and ecosystems.

3. **Ensuring Long-Term Sustainability:** Overreliance on fossil fuels and other high-emission practices is unsustainable in the long term. Transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, as well as adopting eco-friendly practices, is essential for ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for generations to come.

4. **Improving Air Quality:** Many of the activities that contribute to GHG emissions, such as burning fossil fuels, also release pollutants that degrade air quality. By reducing these emissions, we can improve air quality, leading to better health outcomes and reduced respiratory issues in communities.

5. **Meeting Regulatory Requirements:** Governments and international bodies are increasingly implementing regulations and agreements to limit GHG emissions. Businesses and individuals that proactively reduce their GHG footprint not only contribute to environmental goals but also position themselves to comply with current and future regulatory requirements.

6. **Enhancing Corporate Responsibility:** Many consumers and stakeholders prioritize environmentally responsible practices. By actively working to decrease their GHG footprint, businesses demonstrate corporate social responsibility, which can positively impact their reputation and customer loyalty.

7. **Fostering Innovation:** The pursuit of lower GHG emissions often drives innovation in technology, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices. This innovation can lead to economic opportunities, job creation, and the development of new industries focused on environmental solutions.

In summary, decreasing the GHG footprint is a critical step in addressing climate change, protecting the environment, ensuring long-term sustainability, and meeting societal expectations for responsible and ethical behavior. It requires collective efforts from individuals, businesses, and governments to transition to more sustainable and low-carbon practices.

What does it cost to do an LCA of a product?2023-11-19T21:55:41+00:00

Scope and Complexity: The complexity of the product and the extent of the analysis influence the cost. Assessing a simple product with a straightforward life cycle may be less expensive compared to a more complex product with multiple components and intricate supply chains.

Anken keeps costs down because we understand better than anyone that greening does need to remain affordable for businesses. Contact us and our consultants will be happy to help you get an answer to this question.

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